

Review: Strange Arrivals

I’m not against the idea of aliens being real. I honestly have a love/hate relationship with the idea of us being alone, or not alone in the universe. The most important thing is to move through these thought processes with more than a grain of salt.

Review: Lowlines

Some podcasts are meant to be devoured, in a bubble bath, with the world around you turned down a few notches.

Magpie Journal #10: Podcast Listeners

If you follow me on Threads you’ll see me ask “What podcast are you listening to today?” and shame those who post their own podcasts. The reason I’m asking these questions is because podcast listening is very lonely. It doesn’t have to be, and I think podcasters can do a lot to help.

Magpie Journal #9: Podcasts to Dip Your Toes In

I can’t imagine jumping into talk-show-type podcasts. Sure, everyone has a reason to listen to New Heights with Jason and Travis Kelce right now - but these chat-style podcasts based around known people are just the tip of the iceberg in podcast land.