This new audio drama brings us a familiar setup: a fictional European nation, royalty, and a nonroyal in a romantic storyline. It’s familiar, but better...
The storytelling is intense, the production is smooth and almost soft despite the jagged edges of the subject matter. The echoes of the names still skirt across my consciousness, hours after listening to this podcast.
If you have a few days off for the holidays, consider sinking into a couch with these podcasts. You can enjoy some mindless crafting as you lull yourself into a podcast-induced trance.
Each episode has a setting that has to do with the topic of conversation. It effectively draws you into the mood with a quiet ambiance, giving the podcast an extra layer of cozy as you try to wrap your head around the universe.
Podcasts are the weight of the player, and mostly the cost of the time. They can inform, delight, confound, and reassure. They can be what a book can be, or a movie, or a song. They have power, but it’s hard to find the way or the time or even the motivation to try something new.