Magpie Journals #8: Cozy Podcasts

One of the things I miss about being able to go home for the holidays is my parents wood burning stove. There is nothing quite like the heat that radiates from cast iron, it seeps into your bones and blankets you better than a down comforter.
Over the summer, I listened to a podcast that gave me that feeling, the one that can chase away even the wildest of winter winds, to rock you to sleep rather than force you awake with frost nipping at your toes. If you have a few days off for the holidays, consider sinking into a couch with these podcasts. You can enjoy some mindless crafting as you lull yourself into a podcast-induced trance. Or just stare into the fireplace, your favorite winter beverage in your hands, peaceful for a time between the holiday chaos.
Art of History Podcast
Amanda Matta, known on TikTok and Instagram for her royals commentary also has a podcast on art history. A great one for sitting in front of a fire, because it’s often useful to have Instagram open at the same time.
Podlink Here
One of the coziest podcasts I have listened to so far, a quaint little audio drama for those who want a little adventure- but maybe not too much adventure. Go along with Alef to find his sister who vanished into Ufudu - a city that no one can ever leave.
Podlink Here
Residents of Proserpina Park
Want to explore the outdoors with grass and hills and maybe some mythical creatures? Return to a warmer season with this podcast, which I reviewed here. Learn about mythology as you explore the mysterious park that only appears at the right time.
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One of the most delectable podcasts I have ever listened to, this podcast inspired this post. Curl up with your favorite cup of winter beverage, and sort through people’s food memories. Let this podcast warm your soul, and remind you of your favorite meals - and not just for the food. I reviewed Bitter/Sweet Here.
mentalPodlink Here
Suggest your favorite cozy podcast in the comments! I look forward to seeing them.
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