Mini Review: How To Do The Pot

I wanted to write a review of How To Do The Pot yesterday in honor of 4/20 - but everything got a little away from me. I did listen to their “high holiday” episode and absolutely loved it- so here’s a belated mini-review.
Hosted by Ellen Scanlon, this podcast centers around women learning about cannabis. Why? Well, sometimes information is more taboo for some people rather than others. Episodes cover a variety of ways the cannabis plant can be used by women (or anyone honestly).
Once a month How To Do The Pot talks about vocabulary around the plant. 4/20 was about the history of the word marijuana- one of the most common terms for the cannabis plant. The history is astounding and also important. In these 20 minutes, this podcast tackles the topic in an approachable, no-nonsense way.
It’s incredible how much information is packed into this episode. I really enjoyed it and want to listen to more. Not just because I’m curious about what cannabis could do for my mental health, but also the whole context around a single word revolutionized my perception. How To Do The Pot changed my perspective in less than half an hour.
Thanks to Arielle Nissenblatt for shooting this podcast my way. See my original mini-review over here on Twitter.
Want to see more in-depth reviews of this podcast? Check out GreatPods!
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