Monthly Magpie: April 2022

It’s May!
Wow this year is moving stunningly quickly- and it’s my birthday month! My Dad says that time moves faster when you get older, and I feel like he’s right. I am moving faster and faster, but before I get too caught up in it: I want to slow down. It’s officially been a year since I moved from a rural/suburban area to a more suburban/urban environment. I have been reflecting on this a lot lately- especially in terms of nature and my future.
I’m trying to slow down and reflect on what I have. I’m pretty happy with where I am at, and where I’m going. I want to hold onto the simple joys rather than getting caught up in flashy consumerism. I want experiences and to support people as directly as I can- and I’m looking at the best ways to do that. In the podcasting community and beyond.
For now it means picking the best merchandise to buy (for me) and to start highlighting podcasts I’m excited to see growing. I’m working out how to do that in the most beneficial of ways. Big podcasts get more pull on my site, but I want to use that pull to help people explore smaller podcasts too!
With that in mind, let’s get onto What Happened in April!
Twenty Thousand Hertz: To say that this is a podcast about sound feels over simple. Explaining it further seems to need more words than I have available. It is about the relationships we have with what we hear, on almost every level.
Goodniks: What I love though, is that it's easy to listen to, short, and leaves you thinking about what good you can make in the world.
Solar: Separated by the destruction, crew members of the Aethon work to ensure survival. In a race against time, they have to figure something out before the station’s new orbit sends them around the sun - completely cutting them off from Earth communication.
How to Do the Pot- Mini Review: The whole context around a single word revolutionized my perception. How To Do The Pot changed my perspective in less than half an hour.
Earth Day Special Look: The Trail Ahead: On this Earth Day let's think more about these ideas - what we can do. Remember to vote, be active in your community, but also remember to work to be content with what you have. It'll go farther for your soul
Listened To (But Didn’t Review):
*Long episodes are over an hour, mid range are 20-40 minutes, and short episodes are under fifteen minutes* Let me know if you like this or want more of a mini style overview!
Tudors Dynasty- History, long episodes, really well done
Let's Talk About Myths, Baby! - history/mythology, long episodes, one of my favorites
Omen - fantasy noir audio drama, mid range episodes, so far it’s just light enough I love it
Calm It Down Pod - mental health, short episodes, great for getting through my anxious moments
Dirty Sexy History - history, mid range episodes, great for light listening
Atlas Obscura Pod - society and culture, short episodes, always fascinating
Away with the Fairies Podcast - folklore and mythology, short episodes, great information
Mythic Thunderlute- D&D musical, mid range episodes, fun and lighthearted
What's Her Name- women’s history, long episodes, excellent quality
Marigold Breach - sci fi audio drama, mid range episodes, good quality
Irish Mythology Podcast- mythology/history, long episodes, a way for me to connect with a lost heritage
For Fun:
I decided to take the "should" out of my reading life. I want to read for enjoyment and relative escapism. So? That's what I've been doing. Romance abounds and I am a new person. Books I've read this month include The Bridgerton Prequals, The Percy Jackson series, and The Shaadi Set Up! Maybe one of these days I'll start reviewing books again, mix it up. Pages and Pods is harder than I thought.
In other news, I’m looking for cozy video games. I’ve taken up Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles. Animal Crossing is too involved and shames you for not playing, and Stardew Valley is just far too involved for me. If anyone has any suggestions of cozy, low stakes games I’d love to hear more!
Looking Ahead:
I’m developing Magpie more intentionally lately. Can anyone say content calendar? Ew.*
But all jokes aside: I want to serve listeners and podcasters equally. I want to give valid criticism and informational overviews to each part of this community. So podcasters can see maybe what they can improve on, and listeners can find what they want to listen to more easily.
If you have thoughts on Magpie as a podcaster or just a listener, I’d like to know what you want to see! Email me or find me on twitter and instagram
* I thrive on chaos, which doesn't work for everything!
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