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True Crime

Review: Root of Evil

I don’t understand how any family goes through the things that this family experienced and then talk about it, for the world to hear. Maybe everyone needed a bit of dramatic separation, to make it more of a story than anything. For the rest of us, it is, but to this family, it’s real life.

Review: Ransom Position of Trust

The echoes of these tragedies are tendrils that deserve examination and thoughtful approach from every angle, from beginning to end. Even if it makes us uncomfortable.

Review: Up and Vanished: In the Midnight Sun

Episodes are crisp, alluring, and are constantly pushing forward. Listeners get all the true crime anticipation, the mystery, the strong voice of a great host, and a compelling story that actually means something.

Review: The Raven

What makes it a Tenderfoot TV true-crime podcast is that there’s also heart. Through the episodes, you discover Livingston’s true connection to this story, a tragedy he once witnessed mirrors the murders
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