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True Crime

Review: The Vanishing Point

The storytelling is intense, the production is smooth and almost soft despite the jagged edges of the subject matter. The echoes of the names still skirt across my consciousness, hours after listening to this podcast.

Review: Scamanda

The incredible effect of this podcast’s writing allows you to hold it at arm’s length and get through it, while also feeling both sides. The absolute horror of a cancer diagnosis, as well as the underlying suspicion dance back and forth.

Podcast Review: Vishal

Truths can be difficult truths, and even those that are forgotten in history are important to pay attention to through the shrouds of time.

Review: Ghost Herd

Across these six short episodes it at times feels like the reporting came up against a wall, probably because it did. It doesn’t take away from the quiet power of a story like this if you read between the lines.
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