The Monthly Magpie November 2023

Hello everyone!
The new year is coming and it's a good time for me to think about where I want to go with Magpie. I'm always thinking about what I'm doing and who I'm reaching so I'm asking you:
Do you like The Monthly Magpie? Would you like more options? The most important things I'd like to know for now are:
- Do you want more reviews or more listicle options?
- Do you want interviews/insights with podcast people?
Let me know in the comments or if you got this to your email - reply to this email to let me know!
Release Day Reviews Revisited 2023
October was a sprinting month for me, but now it's time to look at revisiting reviews from the past year for December. This year we're doing ranked choice voting on seven podcasts. The Top Four will be getting a Release Day Review Revisited in December!
Vote Here
Voting will close at Midnight November 30th NYC time (so November 29th).
October Reviews
The Sisters

With Mae Whitman playing our main character, Frankie, we have a seasoned and familiar voice actor to lead us through this twisty tale.
The Kids of Rutherford County

Children were being arrested for being children, and that was just the start of it. The initial story that started in 2016, has sprung a leak in the dam of the goings-on in Rutherford county. Set in a courthouse with a “feudalistic feel” that had a history of over-incarceration of minors, this story is shocking.
October Journal: Spooky or Spoopy Please

Check out my journal on some informational podcasts on the spooky or spoopy!
Other Things
I've been catching up on some old favorites and exploring podcasts I normally don't listen to. See a few below!
Mobituaries - This has always been a top-tier podcast, but this is a top-tier season.
Podlink Here
Land of the Giants - The history of Twitter. I admit, I miss Twitter (hey I'm on Blue Sky now!), and seeing the whole arc in one is definitely interesting.
Podlink Here
Mystery of Everything - Saw this one in PodNews. I'm enjoying it, it's more of a listen in the background for me. I can't wait to see where these two take this!
Podlink Here
Lost Women of Science - They have a fascinating new series on women on the atomic bomb. Learn about some of the other characters, surrounding the familiar names like Fermi.
Podlink Here
Vishal - There was an update at the top of the month. It's heartbreaking in a few more ways than one. Make sure to revisit this story when you are able to.
Podlink Here
Build In Public
Subscribers: 127
Open Rate for October Magpie: 67%
Website Hits for October: 1.4k Views
I'm messing with some SEO intentionally this month. Let's hope it helps get up my numbers. If you'd like to help me grow, consider forwarding this email to a podcast-obsessed friend. It can be a great holiday gift for those of your friends who don't want things.
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