The Monthly Magpie: September 2022

While the remnants of hurricane Ian swoop across New Jersey I am reminded of the love I have for fall. In talking to a coworker I described fall as curling up to sleep, winter as sleeping, spring as a big stretch, and summer as something I don’t want to look too hard at. This morning I’m keeping the windows open for the pitter-patter of rain, and breaking out the slipper socks as I reflect on September.
September was quiet on the Magpie front. Two reviews. The job I have, you know the one I get paid to do and provides my health insurance, revved up big time. I forgot how hard it is to keep an apartment, have a job, listen to podcasts closely, write about them, and have a healthy-ish social life. I feel like “August of 2022” level reviewing will never be a consistent thing- and honestly, it’s an expectation that will lead to burnout. I’m not interested in that sacrifice. So I’m returning to the goal of two reviews a month, with everything else being bonus content.
This month I reviewed two podcasts, listened to so many, and worked on making some new connections in the podcast critic and writing community. I'm thrilled to be making new podcast friends every week and learning, learning, and learning.
As summer turns to autumn, blue turns to gray, and I turn in circles. I am eternally pondering what I am doing here. Not just as a critic, but as a part of the podcast community. Yes, critically reviewing podcasts. Yes, reviewing these podcasts in ways that the average person will understand my reviews. I’ve been thinking about providing more thoughts on criticism and podcasting as I grow into where I am. Really, I’ve only been doing this for a year. It’s been a fantastic year and I feel like everything is moving forward. While I am aware things are going well - enthusiasm and sheer will can only get me so far. I have yet to learn a lot of things. I am so excited to keep learning and to have anyone who wants to learn with me come along on this journey.
I also have so many podcasts in my submission pile that it’s really quite intimidating to work at. If I haven’t responded to an email or a thought I am very much working on that. It's not personal I just have definitely underestimated my capacity to do things.
What I Reviewed
A podcast that surprised me. All about Careers of the Future- jobs that are truly green and work towards a more sustainable world. As I finished listening to the first episode I found myself screaming "soft skills! soft skills!". The second episode really is the heart of the podcast, though. A very informative series for anyone curious about how they can help combat climate change.
My Review Here
Podlink Here
The Loudest Girl in the World
A podcast that speaks to my heart and soul. Lauren Ober takes us on the journey of growing up as a girl with undiagnosed autism, to being diagnosed and beyond.
My Review Here
Podlink Here
Podcasts I Listened To
Podcasts that I listened to at least one full episode of
You’re Wrong About
Wicked Words
Buried Bones
Fawx and Stallion
Where The Stars Fell
Autism’s First Child
American Hysteria
Live From Mount Olympus
Death By Dying
Other Things I Did
I built this spreadsheet for anyone interested in media theory references specific to radio and podcasts. Anyone with a link can comment so if you have other resources for me, let me know! Spreadsheet Link Here
I restarted Legend of Zelda, Breath of the Wild. Which was probably a mistake for my sleep but hey. I play video games in the fall and winter.
It’s football season and as a reminder, I watch football to watch The Bills play. I don’t watch The Bills to watch football. If I’m not working during a game I become absolutely insufferable on Twitter.
If you want to know one of the biggest reasons why I love my team, read this article from a year ago and know that the giving kept going, and keeps going. Link here.
Go Bills. Happy Podcasting.
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